The shipping giant warned of a $500 million revenue shortfall ahead of its quarterly financial results next week, hitting its stock price hard.


FedEx said in a statement on Thursday that it expected to report that its profit shrank in the latest quarter, a decrease the shipping giant attributed to a broader slowdown of the global economy, sending the company’s stock price sharply lower.

In a preliminary financial statement for the quarter, which ended Aug. 31, FedEx said the profit it generated, $1.19 billion, was down 15 percent compared with the same period last year. The company also withdrew its earnings forecast for the year, a sign of further volatility in the shipping industry.


Factors affecting FedEx’s business included “macroeconomic weakness in Asia and service challenges in Europe,” the company said in the statement. Among the potential risks to future business, FedEx cited the war in Ukraine and the continuing effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

“We are swiftly addressing these headwinds, but given the speed at which conditions shifted, first-quarter results are below our expectations,” Raj Subramaniam, FedEx’s chief executive, said in a statement. The company did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

To counteract the slowdown, FedEx said it would cut back on flights, reduce its Sunday operations at some locations, freeze hiring and close more than 90 locations. FedEx also said it would eliminate five corporate offices, part of a broader review of its real estate holdings.

As an economic bellwether, FedEx’s troubles are a gloomy sign for the U.S. economy, which has sent mixed signals to analysts trying to diagnose its health. Inflation remains high, and job growth has slowed, but demand for workers continues to be strong amid increased consumer spending in sectors including travel and restaurants. Supply chains have been particularly sluggish, as the shipping industry grapples with ripple effects from the pandemic.

FedEx said it expected business conditions to worsen for its next quarter. As a result, the company said it would cut its capital spending for this year by about $500 million from its earlier projections.

FedEx’s stock price fell 22 percent in trading on Friday. The company’s rivals in the shipping industry were also dragged down, with UPS falling nearly 5 percent. Shares in Deutsche Post in Frankfurt and Royal Mail in London also tumbled.

FedEx Corp. announced late Thursday a 6.9% general rate increase (GRI) for 2023, the largest year-over-year increase in its history.

The increase will apply to all FedEx (NYSE: FDX) services except for its less-than-truckload service, FedEx Freight. Increases there will range between 6.9% and 7.9%, depending on the customer’s transportation rate scale, the company said.

Typically, FedEx raises its annual tariff rates between 4.9% and 5.9%. Analysts were expecting a 2023 GRI increase of 6% or more to offset the impact of cost inflation.

On one level, GRIs, which apply to noncontract shipments, are symbolic because virtually all parcel deliveries move under contract. However, the level of contract rate increases, and the discounts granted from those increases, are pegged to actions that parcel carriers take with their GRIs. As a result, GRIs are a key barometer on what rates and discounts that shippers can expect in their contracts.

Along with the GRI increase, FedEx said it plans to save between $2.2 billion and $2.7 billion during the current 2023 fiscal year through cost reductions at its FedEx Express air and international unit and its FedEx Ground U.S. delivery unit. The company said it would reduce the number of FedEx Express flights and temporarily park an undetermined number of aircraft. Those moves will save between $1.5 billion and $1.7 billion, the company said.

FedEx said it will save $300 million to $500 million at its FedEx Ground unit by closing certain sortation operations and suspending some Sunday delivery operations. It did not shutter virtually all of its costly Sunday delivery network as some have advised.

In addition, FedEx plans to cut $4 billion of costs by fiscal 2025, which starts June 1, 2024. The company said it will stick with its plan, announced in late June, to realign its network and end the siloed operations among its three business units.

The company also officially published its fiscal first-quarter results, which were a de facto formality in light of its pre-announcement last Thursday of a 69% year-over-year decline in operating income at FedEx Express.

FedEx blamed the massive drop at the unit on sudden weakness in trans-Pacific air volumes that hit in the final weeks of the quarter. Cost measures lagged the declines in volume, and operating expenses remained high relative to demand, the company said.

The stunning pre-announcement caught everyone by surprise and sent FedEx shares down more than $40 a share during last Friday’s trading.


聯邦快遞暴跌21.44%,創下史上最大單日跌幅。這家國際貨運公司之前撤回全年財測,表示將實施削減成本的舉措,調降空運及海運費用,以應對全球經濟「明顯惡化」的疲軟全球快遞量,聯邦快遞點名亞洲特別是中國經濟疲軟是其負面前景的主要原因之一。航運競爭對手UPS和XPO Logistics分別下跌4.52%和4.67%,亞馬遜下跌2.18%。





然而,高盛仍然認為「軟著陸」是可能的。策略師赫西(Chris Hussey)寫道,即使今年年初GDP為負值,經濟還未停滯不前,「在聯邦快遞示警全球快遞量下降的同一個8月,美國新增淨非農就業崗位31.5萬個,失業率僅上升20個基點,仍處於超低的3.7%。重要的是,工資通膨仍然很高,但較7月的確有所放緩。美國勞動市場並沒有表現出很多『滯脹』跡象。」








紐約梅隆銀行投資管理公司資深投資策略師喬利(Jake Jolly)表示,「獲利調整往往會落後。市場會在下修之前就做出反應。因此,某些疲軟,如果繼續下去,就會真的開始消化那些即將下修的情況。」


在史指中,Adobe和聯邦快遞分別下跌25%和23%左右。Nucor、Eastman Chemical和國際紙業躋身本周表現最差的前5名,每家均下跌約16%,遠遠超過該指數3.8%的當周跌幅。

波音和道氏化學本周下跌近9%,成為道指中跌幅最大的公司,為道指本周跌幅4.7%的2倍。Home Depot、霍尼韋爾和微軟緊隨其後,本周下跌約8%。

全球景氣榮枯指標業者聯邦快遞(FedEx)與國泰航空(Cathay Pacific)相繼示警空運快遞及貨運生意減緩,指向消費者需求可能比預期弱,使年底假期購物季展望蒙陰影,更可能是全球經濟前景不妙的信號。聯邦快遞15日撤回6月發布的全年財測,當時該公司以利潤率和營運效率提升為由,樂觀看待前景;但之後察覺包裹運量隨網購降溫而下滑,全球需求更從8月底開始加速減緩,看來9至11月的年度第2季情況會惡化。該公司表示,將採取行動縮減成本,包括凍結招聘、關閉90個辦公室據點、部分貨機停飛。聯邦快遞預定22日公布6至8月季報。


6月才接任聯邦快遞執行長的蘇布拉瑪尼亞(Raj Subramaniam)表示,上季末期間由於總體經濟趨勢大幅惡化,不論是國際或美國,全球的運量均下滑。他接受CNBC訪問時更說,他相信全球經濟即將步入衰退。



